Cultural Center of del Carmen

Front of the Cultural center of del Carmen
In the convent of La Encarnaciòn of Conceptionist nuns, the only convent for nuns in Ciudad Real, built in 1597, instruction was given on the feminine arts of the time. Its Construction was authorized by Felipe II by Royal Decree on November 30, 1595.
The hospital, the asylum, the girls' school and arts and crafts workshops, the Institute of Sciences and Arts, the barracks and a Masonic temple were established in the place. When the Conceptionist nuns abandoned the city, the cult of the Ministry of the Incarnation ended, and that of Our Lady of Mount Carmel prevailed.
In 1980, the ex-convent of La Encarnación, today a house of culture, was restored. The cloister is located in a square, free from the temple. The main façade is sober. Inside it preserves its original architectural party.
This building represents the last vestige of the convent of the Encarnación de la Ciudad Real, currently restored by FONATUR, since the world tourism summit was held here. Currently we can enjoy the cloister, with its central patio, and the convention center is housed in the back. Within its spaces it also has a garden of epitites, and workshops for children and the elderly.
Just 3 blocks from Plaza 31 de Marzo, on Av. Hidalgo, is this majestic cultural architectural complex made up of a series of old and modern buildings, among which are: the Fine Arts building, the Public Library and the Convention Center.